五大品类合力共赢 腾飞萨米特net 探访年会,我们走进萨米特陶瓷。跟随指引,从赢商之道打开了萨米特的成功大门,细细浏览自2000年以来萨米特陶瓷的每一次辉煌,感受那份触手可及的努力和感动。这背后是他们团队的合力,是他们共赢的决心。令人喜悦的是,在手扶电梯处,有着步步高升的指引,让人们看到了萨米特人汗水背后那份积极的平常心。一路走到峰会主场,远远的看到了成功大道的门头,还有一片热闹鼎沸的场景。靓丽多姿的几十款新品熠熠生辉,专业设置的数码区尽显智能化时代,还有无水箱卫浴新品,琳琅满目,令人眼花缭乱。 当一一览过全新亮相的超晶石、木纹砖、纯平釉等产品,不禁感叹陶瓷行业的伟大,也对2013年的陶瓷市场充满了信心。抛光砖产品传奇性的用模具形式诠释石材的定义,超晶石更是精彩纷呈,大气的纹理和花色尽显大品牌风范。值得一提的是仿古砖和卫浴,古木船奇刚开始还以为是一块木板镶嵌在砖上面,后来才知道那都是真实的陶瓷砖制成的。纯平釉真像个纯平彩电一样,各种色彩在上面尽情挥洒,演绎着多姿的空间灵魂。神奇的是卫浴产品,智能卫浴的多重功能已让人叹为观止了,无水箱洁具更令人赞叹科技的神奇。在多媒体区我们感受到了萨米特陶瓷智能化的服务及终端体系,不仅有现场微博、微信,还有IPAD观看软件,更有现场直播的高清追随视频,一切的一切,都让人感到萨米特的征战市场的破竹之势,也更相信萨米特辉煌的前景,腾飞,即在萨米特。瓷砖十大品牌http://www.newpearl.net/
Date back to the material source of pearl jade: Allusion: in the area of the South China Sea, where abounds in producing pearl, an old man has a rare pearl. While Queen Wu Zetian knows it, she promises a large sum of money to own the pearl. However, the old man considers that the pearl shall benefit the people of that area, so he puts the pearl back into the sea. In 1993, under the impel of
Deng Xiaoping’s inspection in south area, the pearl appears again, and benefits a batch of people who also have the wish of pursuitting harmonious and good life. This is the origin of the new pearl group. With the advanced technology, New Pearl Ceramic group, a company which is full of innovation and intelligence, reappears the elegance of the pearl. With the natural stone texture and smooth lines, the product is rich in classic and elegant breath. Psychological function: pearl jade is psychologically interlinked with the predestined friends. It can ward off evil spirits and bless good luck and prosperity of home.Wall Tiles en.newpearl.com/