
楼主 |
发表于 2021-12-18 23:44
| 来自广东
汤姆逊谈到这幅照片的拍摄时说:On landing, I found a number of old women enjoying the gossip of the right. They had been drawing water from the river. On seeing the camera pointed at their village, they fled, and the only man present, a vender of sugar cane, left his bundle against the tree and retreated to the village to spred the alarm that the “Fan-qui” were about to result the place with a single barreled engine of destruction. (在登岸的时候,我发现一群老妇人正在那里闲谈和从河里取水。 看到照相机对着她们的村庄,她们逃走了。唯一在场的人,一个卖甘蔗的小贩,把甘蔗倚放在树下,也撤退到村子里,警告村里人“番鬼”即将用一种机器灭这个地方。)
汤姆逊说得很清楚,倚放在树下的是甘蔗(sugar cane)。但有三水本地专家认为,那是竹子,不是甘蔗。莫非汤姆逊这个“英国佬”分不清竹子和甘蔗?明明是甘蔗,靠根部的地方特别明显,竹子砍下来是不会有那样的根须的。请三水的朋友们鉴别一下:汤姆逊拍摄的到底是竹子还是甘蔗?(请看图2)